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The real benefit of the FinanceHubâ„¢ is not in the addition of the website component alone, but in the sales and marketing support after. We have increased both the foot traffic to our website as well as the overall closing percentage by offering in-house financing.

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Meet Eleanor

A team of leasing professionals providing industry insight to businesses and cutomers looking to learn about the equipment leasing industry and business loans.

Eleanor represents a collective of leasing and financing experts alongside other key industry contributors, and was derived as an abbreviation of:
EquipmentLEAsiNg.ORg [E+LEA+N+OR]
Our panel of experts is here to provide information and guidance to the small and medium-sized business community on a wide variety of topics based on their collective knowledge of current research, professional training, and years of experience throughout all of industries involved in the equipment leasing and financing industry.

Equipment leasing and financing as a service is typically comprised of multiple parties collaborating together to offer the best programs, payment options, and service to customers in need of new capital acquisitions. The journey however short or long, for transactions small or large, begins with a customer in need of new or used equipment, vehicles, or software. As the current landscape of business shopping methods evolves to account for the more rooted advances in technology, recent forays into initial purchase research begins now with a keyboard and mouse.

Panel of Industry Experts

Marketing Partners: As often the case, the quest for acquisition begins with a customer in need. The need to purchase new or used equipment is often for replacement of old outdated equipment, or expansion of existing capabilities. Our marketing partners contribute expert advice in identifying and capturing a larger share of prospective customer activity.

Customer Contributors: Through market research and customer surveys we are able to provide a unified voice to current trends in buyer tendencies. Insights gathered through business intelligence analysis present true picture perspective, and contribute reliable analytical data rather than anecdotal assessments.

Equipment Sellers: Often the initial point of contact for customer inquiries, equipment, vehicle, and software vendors provide invaluable intelligence into the real-time temperature of prospective buyers. Partnering with vendors across multiple industry verticals gives us a big picture perspective as well as measurements in specific markets.

Manufacturing Companies: New advances in technology in many instances begin industry wide shifts that create mass effecting trends in the end-user market. Our goal of collaboration is to bridge the gap between manufacturer, distributor, and end-user.

Equipment Leasing and Financing Company Affiliates: Our partner affiliates are leaders and specialists in the leasing and financing industry. Through our unique position we are able to match customers to equipment sellers, equipment sellers to leasing and financing companies, and help make the collective journey of business growth better for all.

Lender and Banking Institutions: Due to the fact that most customer transactions are too small to be considered, and many equipment sellers do not sell volume large enough for private label programs, lenders and banks are usually far removed and out of reach. Our purpose is to relay information to better serve the small and medium-sized business community by affecting change in policy to better serve practice.

Peripheral Service Providers: As the feet on the ground, service providers are able to give feedback on critical logistical components of an equipment leasing or financing transaction. From site inspection companies, delivery and installation providers, and training and implementing consultants, we desire to research, develop, and implement a better full service experience.